Rametep's Get Away - Tilean Dogs of War vs. Strigoi Vampire Counts

Things have been unsettled in Tilea lately as Skaven and Undead activity picked up during the Spring of 1900. In an attempt to quell some of the unrest, the forces in the capital city of Miragliano were tasked with flushing out 2 Vampire Covens. The first, was a Strigoi Coven of 1,072 points led by Rametep Biscione lurking down along the waterfront. Borgio the Besieger led a 2,000 point force to eliminate the Vampires, or at least expel them from the city. 

The Scenario: 
The Get Away is a variation of a raid scenario from Flames of War where the defending army (Vampire Counts) must travel the length of the table to escape off the board. The Vampire Counts win if half their strength makes it off. The challenge lies in Tilea only being able to start 1 unit on the table, then reserves are rolled each turn until all of the units are on. Not only that, the reserves are scattered and can come from either side or corner of the battlefield. I chose to take on the underdog role of the Vampire Counts since the game mechanics were essentially going to dictate most of the moves for Tilea. The scenario would last until a victor was determined (either half the Vampires escape or more than half are destroyed by Tilea).

The Battlefield:
The city wall is on the left end of the table where an elevated bridge spans across the river between the tower and the wall on the opposite side. The gate out of the city is just below the tower. A primary road runs along the length of the river on the near side fronted by several buildings, including the large Inn. On the opposite shore is the waterfront. Bridges span both rivers in the center/right while a pier with several small boats is just to the right.

Taking advantage of the boats being in my deployment zone, I placed two small units of 6 ghouls each in the boats, each led by a Strigoi Vampire Thrall (hero level characters). I decided that by splitting my force on land and on the water I had better chances of getting some of them off the board. The Tilean side had limited shooting and, even though 1/3 of the time their die rolls would allow them to man boats coming up river, I figured it was worth a shot.

Rametep Bisione, the monstrous Strigoi Vampire Count and army General took his place in front of a column of 17 ghouls positioned between the two bridges. In support, a Banshee was placed at the end of the bridge near the inn (to the right of this picture), while Brahn Mobbit the winged Strigoi Thrall started on a rooftop in the shipyard accompanied by 3 Fell Bats.

The Tilean side decided the best bet was to deploy one of its 2 cannons in the tower where it had a commanding view of the river and the road approaching the gate.

Turn 1:  
With Vampire Counts starting the game the boats shoved off and Rametep began leading his parade across the bridges toward the river road where the Banshee waited. Mobbit headed for the wall with the intention of attacking the tower from the side; using the buildings in the warehouse district for cover as he swept up the street. Concerned that half the reinforcement die rolls for Tilea could bring a unit from behind or popping out on the road by the inn, I pulled the Fell Bats back as a rearguard until the army got going.

On one d6, the Tileans rolled a 5+ and Bellatrix Le Strange, their level 2 Wizardess of Death led a column of 10 crossbowmen out onto the wall; setting Tilea up to be defending the gateway with cannon, crossbows AND magic. As the Vampire player I was already getting a sinking feeling about this scenario. 

Despite the unlucky early arrival of the opposing reinforcements, I lucked out when the cannon overshot Rametep's column by mere inches as it plunked into the water between the bridges.

Turn 2:
Deciding that the bats would be needed to clear the wall, they headed back through the shipyard and followed Mobbit's lead toward the wall using the warehouses for cover. Fate smiled on the Vampires once again as Tilea rolled 2 dice and neither produced reinforcements, then the cannon misfired and exploded. That was a huge relief for the ghouls in the boats as a single shot would likely have sent them to the bottom.

Turn 3:
Mobbit made it to the bridge by the tower. He was temporarily safe since the enemy were on the opposite side. Rametep rounded the corner onto the river road and was making good speed as he reached the inn. 

More Tilean reinforcements arrived as Borgio the Besieger led a unit of 5 heavy cavaliers onto the table through the shipyard, accompanied by Dolchellata the Paymaster.

Bellatrix made a decisive move leaving the crossbow unit and stepping into the tower where she could get a look at the flying vampire on the bridge. She led off casting Hand of Death with 2 dice; holding the more potent Wind of Death spell for the follow-up. I used my only 2 dispel dice to get rid of the spell and held my breath while she rolled and failed to cast Wind of Death. Mobbit would live another turn!

Crossbows guarding the gate while Bellatrix heads into the tower to deal with the winged beast.

Turn 4:
Not squandering the opening that was given, Mobbit charged into the tower after Bellatrix, who fled through the crossbow unit on the opposite side, resulting in a failed charge attempt by Mobbit who was now inside the tower. Although the boats were just now passing under the bridge down by the inn, Rametep's column was now halfway to the gate. This combined unit made up 466 points of the required 560 points to secure a victory, so it was important to stay focused on the objective and getting them out the gate. The Banshee, seeing Borgio's cavalry coming from the shipyard and looking to catch up, took up a position by the inn. Rather than turning to face Mobbit and getting only 2 shots in the process, the crossbows chose to let fly a full volley, dropping the first ghoul from Rametep's column. They would be under fire the rest of the way to the gate. Bellatrix rallied once she got the crossbows between her and the winged beast.

Turn 5:

Mobbit's next move was to charge the flank of the crossbowmen; killing 3 of them and sending them fleeing past Bellatrix. They rally once they get beyond her in this little contest to see who has to face the winged beast and who can hide behind the other.

The Fell Bats had reached the gate area and moved up onto the wall to cut off the crossbows and Bellatrix from retreating anymore. In the meantime, a newly arrived unit of 16 pistol wielding duelists entered from the corner near the gate and started to make their way through the wooded area toward them. The duelists weren't the ideal unit to throw in front of Rametep's column, but a unit was needed that could get through the woods in a hurry to block their path and, hopefully, delay them so that Borgio could charge from behind.

Elsewhere, Borgio's unit had made the bridge as the ghoul boats had just passed under and the Banshee waited for his arrival.

Turn 6:
With nowhere to run, Bellatrix stood her ground when charged by Mobbit again and she was quickly cut down. Mobbit overran into the rallied crossbowmen, killed 2 more and caused them to go running right into the awaiting Fell Bats.  For the moment, the wall was clear, but Rametep was still about 2 turns away from making the gate.

6 dice were now being thrown for reinforcements. Although a small unit of pikemen and a unit of fast cavalry were brought on far behind the action so that they wouldn't have an impact, a unit of 15 Norse marauders came from the corner on the other side of the high bridge and promptly headed for the gate. In addition, a pair of boats manned by 5 dwarfs each wielding great weapons entered the river to face down the ghouls that were rowing toward them.

The duelists emerged from the wooded area and opened fire with their pistols, felling Mobbit from the wall and ending his rampage there.

Turn 7:
The Banshee had withdrawn into the inn and with her wailing felled 2 of the heavy cavaliers accompanying Borgio. The paymaster had broken off before crossing the bridge and, with her crossbow, picked off one of the ghouls in the boats. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but she failed to wound another after her first.

Borgio broke off from the remainder of the heavy cavalier unit and charged the Banshee, quickly dispatching her before continuing on toward the gate.

Down by the gate, Rametep separated from his unit while the 15 ghouls reformed into a fighting formation. Combined with Tey Han, who was one of the Strigoi Thralls in the boats, they summoned 6 ghouls to come onto the battlefield behind the duelists with the intent of charging them from behind once the climactic combat took place. The duelists set up a line blocking the gate, while firing on Rametep and the Fell Bats with their pistols; causing one wound to each.

Turn 8:

DON'T GO INTO THE WOODS!  As planned, the large ghoul unit charged the duelists, slaying 6 and forcing them to flee into the woods where the summoned ghouls were waiting for them. It was another key win for the Vampire Counts, but time was running out as Borgio's heavy cavalry were drawing near.

Reinforcements were pouring into the battlefield at the corner near the gate in large numbers: a unit of 20 peasant spearmen, another unit of 20 peasant men-at-arms and 6 fast cavalry were all having trouble navigating the small area tucked in behind the woods. 

Turn 9:

FREEDOM!  There was no time to waste. Rametep charged for the gate and slung it open. The way was clear. The large unit of ghouls wheeled around so that they could make it out of the gate in the next move and the smaller unit of summoned ghouls emerged from the woods to stay ahead of the reinforcements that were approaching. The Fell Bats positioned themselves on the wall to launch a flank attack against the heavy cavalry if they got a charge onto the flank of the large ghoul unit. It would be close!

The expected charge declaration came and the heavy cavaliers ended up falling just over an inch short from the flank of the large ghoul regiment. At the same time, the unit of 15 Norse Marauders came spilling out of the tower. Since they were subject to Frenzy and so close to the gate, they didn't bother forming up. They would be declaring a charge next turn. So, between the marauders and the heavy cavalry, the big unit of ghouls was going to have to make the gate in their next move.

Turn 10:

There was a big sense of relief when the large ghoul unit was able to make the gate in their last move. The smaller unit behind them, however, weren't so lucky and were charged by the marauders. It took 2 turns to wipe them out, but with their being caught the action on land was over. 

Doing a quick review of the score, the Vampire Counts got 458 points off the table and the Fell Bats would add another 60, bringing the total to 518 points. The goal was 560. Had the small unit of ghouls escaped, it would have been a victory. But, since they'd been caught, it all came down to the action on the river.

On Turn 10 the first boat carrying the Dwarf command group and 2 other warriors pulled up alongside Tey Han and his remaining 5 ghouls. The dwarfs killed 3 of the ghouls while the Strigoi Thrall took down two of the dwarfs. It was a draw.  In the following turn Maltemal, the other Vampire Thrall ran his boat head-on into the other dwarf boat and a scrum commenced. Within two rounds of combat, all of the dwarfs were eliminated without losing any more ghouls. The rest of the Tilean army could only watch helplessly as the two Vampire Thralls and their crews rowed down the river and out beneath the high bridge. A total of 801 points had escaped for an unlikely Vampire Counts victory!


  1. What a great battle report! So different from the usual line-them-up and grind.


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