
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Adventures of Stransky & Steiner - Book 2 - Bretonnia

  The second stop on the adventure is to Bretonnia.   My own army was only about 1,000 points so I was going to be limited with what I could play, but then my buddy Tim decided it was time to unload his army and sent it to me.   Before putting much of it on EBAY, I thought it would be cool for one final hurrah with his Bretonnians vs. my Empire.   Thus, a normal sized battle was born. The Scenario:   Fighting Withdrawal Another Flames of War scenario, this one called for the defender (Bretonnia) placing 1 objective and the attacker (Empire) placing two in a zone on the Bretonnian side.   The Bretonnians would set up first, but could hold one unit off in ambush (if it was possible based on the terrain).   If they couldn’t place a unit at least 16” from an Empire unit and out of line of sight, the ambushing unit would have to enter from the back of their table edge. The trick of this battle is that the Bretonnians will gradually start removing units from the table as they withdraw.