
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Adventures of Stransky & Steiner Book 1 - Beastman Blood Bath

  The first stop on this 20-something battle adventure is at the Beastmen of Chaos in the forests of the northern Empire. I felt pretty confident going into this battle as the scenario is a converted Flames of War scenario called “Probing Attack.” The nature of the game is such that the Beastmen cannot use their Ambush rule; taking away their ability to come in from all table sides. The Scenario:    Probing Attack Each side counts up the number of units they have (characters don’t count) and half must be held back in reserve. The deployment zones are along each long edge of the table, up to 8” in from the edge. The deployment zone is divided into 6 zones (1 foot long each) and your units are randomly assigned to each of the zone based on a d6 roll, so you have no control over where your units will start. Units with special deployment (scouts and Beastmen ambush units) must be placed in your deployment zone, but you may choose where they go after the random units are placed.   The